Optimizing Local History Learning with The Saloka Application


  • Moch. Nurfahrul Lukmanul Khakim .
  • Wahyu Djoko Sulistyo .
  • Yuliati . .




This study develops an android-based augmented reality catalog model application. The catalog form was chosen because of the large amount of cultural heritage information that is important to research and document through the application. The results of this cultural heritage research will be packaged in an interactive application that is expected to help history teachers in teaching the history of Lamongan in an interesting way. The virtual catalog application is designed to be a pioneer of historical and cultural information for the Lamongan community and its surroundings. Plus the COVID-19 outbreak that is still hitting Indonesia, this application offers free and safe roaming of virtual cultural heritage. This research method includes the historical method to examine all cultural heritage as teaching materials and the ADDIE-based development method to develop the SALOKA application. The targets of this research are students, teachers, academics, and the community in Lamongan. In particular, this application is expected to help history teachers to teach local cultural/historical heritage to students in Lamongan so that learning is more interesting.

Keywords: virtual catalog, learning history, lamongan, heritage


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How to Cite

Nurfahrul Lukmanul Khakim, M. ., Djoko Sulistyo, W., & ., Y. (2023). Optimizing Local History Learning with The Saloka Application. KnE Social Sciences, 8(10), 338–352. https://doi.org/10.18502/kss.v8i10.13461