An exploration of teachers' epistemological belief: A case from in-service and pre-service physics teachers in Bengkulu


  • Nuril Munfaridah Physics Education, State University of Malang, Indonesia
  • Sapta Adiguna Physics Education, State University of Malang, Indonesia
  • Endang Purwaningsih Physics Education, State University of Malang, Indonesia



Epistemological belief is a belief, knowledge, and coaching value that is useful for creating a student learning environment to increase the belief and value system towards knowledge, learning, and teaching. However, there is a few explorations in the context of in-service and pre-service physics teacher. The aim of this study is to explore the epistemological beliefs of in-service and pre-service physics teachers based on their time period in teaching experience. This study used a mixed-method with a model explanatory sequential design. The quantitative data were collected through science epistemological belief questionnaires (n = 23) and the qualitative data were collected through interviews with teachers (n = 6) about their epistemological beliefs. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistic and a content analysis. The result from the quantitative data is that epistemological beliefs of in-service and preserving physics teachers are in a good category and the qualitative data showed that most of the in-service and pre-service teachers have epistemological beliefs on the transitional and instructive levels. The findings of this study can be considered in developing the teacher’s professionalism to have better physics classroom teaching and learning practice.

Keywords: Epistemological Belief Physics Education In-service Teacher Pre-service Teacher


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How to Cite

Munfaridah, N. ., Adiguna, S. ., & Purwaningsih, E. . (2023). An exploration of teachers’ epistemological belief: A case from in-service and pre-service physics teachers in Bengkulu. KnE Social Sciences, 8(10), 362–372.