Organizational Role of the ``Gerakan Pemuda Ansor'' in the Development of Young Generations


  • Ahmad Guntur Saputra Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
  • Isti Arini Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
  • Daffa Malhotra Yasin Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung



The Prophet Muhammad was born on April 20, 571 AD. The Prophet migrated to Medina in 622 AD, and there were two activities carried out after his arrival, namely establishing the Quba Mosque and the City of Medina. Not long after the Prophet settled in Medina, which was not even two years since his arrival according to some historians, he announced a charter that regulated life and the relationship between the communities that are components of society assembly in Medina. The charter became known as the ”Medina Charter”. Charter Medina is a state law that regulates the life of the state from the entire community in Medina. The formulation of the problem of this thesis is first, what is the concept of power in general? And the second is how the State’s basic principles of protection according to the Charter Medina can be described. The method used in this research is qualitative. This type of research is a library research, and the nature of the research is descriptive. Data collection techniques use primary and secondary data, where in the primary data the author uses books on the Charter Medina and related to the concept of power. The meaning of power politics remains an actual discourse that never ends. This is because its existence is functionally identical to the existence of society itself. In addition, the concept of political power has not been completely agreed upon by everyone. All citizens obtain the right to protection, from security protection, life, property, and honor. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the word power is given meaning (to manage, rule, and so on). Power besides referring to the meaning of things (ability, ability, and strength), also refers to the meaning of nature. It can also mean objects, namely people who are given authority. Power can be concluded in three meanings, that of ability, authority, and influence. These three meanings are seen in the definition of power given by political scientists. Protection is a citizen’s right that must be given and owned. The State is obliged to provide protection for all its citizens, both Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

Keywords: Role, Gerakan Pemuda Anshor, Development Young Generation


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How to Cite

Guntur Saputra, A. ., Arini, I. ., & Malhotra Yasin, D. . (2023). Organizational Role of the ``Gerakan Pemuda Ansor’’ in the Development of Young Generations. KnE Social Sciences, 8(16), 28–37.