Reeducation of Terrorist Prisoners to the Acceptance of Unitary State Republic of Indonesia Through Psychological and Religious Intervention
Re-education is a follow-up intervention that aims to provide a re-understanding for terrorist prisoners. This research consists of two interventions that are psychological and religious for terrorist prisoners in Correctional Institutions in Lampung Province. This study aims to determine whether there is an increase in terrorist acceptance in the Republic of Indonesia through psychological and religious interventions. This research was conducted from 2018 to 2021 involving psychologists, doctors, and masters of the Islamic religion as a facilitator. The results of this study were categorized based on two major themes that are: 1) the terrorist’s knowledge about religious intervention; 2) the increasing knowledge and acceptance toward NKRI through psychological intervention. The results of this study found that the provision of re-education through psychological and religious interventions was able to increase the understanding of the acceptance of terrorists toward the Republic of Indonesia and could improve the perception block that each terrorist had.
Keywords: re-education, psychotherapy intervention, religious intervention, terrorist
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