Indonesian Islamic Tradition is a Wisdom that Liberates Society from the Shackles of Globalization
This study aims to describe Islamic traditions in Indonesia as a source of law to free society from the shackles of globalization. This research is qualitative with a literature model. Research data in the form of Islamic traditional activities in the community. Data sources were obtained from several recent studies. Data collection was done using documentation technique. Meanwhile, data analysis was done using content analysis. The research findings show that Indonesian Islamic traditions have inherent values and teachings that can help communities strengthen their local strength and resist the negative influences of consumer culture and global hedonism. By integrating Islamic values with the local context, critical education can serve as a powerful tool to empower individuals and communities to resist the damaging effects of globalization. In conclusion, the Indonesian Islamic tradition holds valuable wisdom that can guide us in navigating the complexities of the modern world. By harnessing this wisdom and integrating it with critical education, we can strengthen local forces and resist external pressures, thus freeing ourselves from the shackles of globalization.
Keywords: globalization, Indonesian Islamic tradition, neoliberalism
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