Muakhi Culture Strategy in Resolving Multicultural Community Conflicts in Lampung




The Transmigration Program creates a multi-cultural Lampung community, which makes it vulnerable to ethnic conflicts. This program has unwittingly formed enclaves between natives and migrants who are not integrated, resulting in polarization and economic gaps, where the immigrant population is more advanced than the natives which causes social jealousy. There are several aspects that trigger conflict, including social jealousy, economic inequality, negative sentiments between groups, inter-ethnic communication impasse and low religious understanding. This study aims to explain and construct Muakhi’s cultural strategy for resolving conflicts in a multicultural society in Lampung. We use qualitative research methods with a phenomenological and constructive approach. The data of this study were obtained through in-depth interviews. These results and discussion that follows are Muakhi local wisdom, which can be a solution in resolving conflicts in a multi-cultural society. In this conflict resolution process, the government invited all conflicted citizens, conflicting traditional leaders and all figures from other ethnicities who were brought together in the Regional Government with the aim of making peace in a brotherly manner or Angkon Muakhi . This study concludes that Muakhi culture can be a solution for resolving conflicts in a multicultural society and a forum for creating peace in accordance with the values and norms that exist in society.

Keywords: Strategy, Culture, Muakhi, Conflict, Society, Multicultural


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How to Cite

Salim, L. ., & Galih Ilman, I. . (2023). Muakhi Culture Strategy in Resolving Multicultural Community Conflicts in Lampung. KnE Social Sciences, 8(16), 549–566.