Islamic Religious Education on the Technological Developments of the Era-Revolutionary Society 5
The era of society 5.0 emerged with challenges as well as life obstacles. Society 5.0 has a significant impact on the education sector. Educational institutions are expected to be resilient in the face of emerging changes. Islamic religious education has faced big challenges because the era of society 5.0 puts forth 3 aspects, that of human literacy, data literacy, and technological literacy. The concept of learning Islamic religious education in the era of society 5.0, the benefits of learning this education, and the challenges of it in the era of society 5.0 are the background problems this study explores. This research model uses a literature study or what is commonly referred to as library research and the data collected is reviewed from various sources, including scientific publications and books that focus on these concepts, challenges and innovations of Islamic religious education in society 5.0. The data used are from books and journals. The challenges rose from the fact that there were inadequate human resources and teachers who were mostly elderly. The concepts applied in this learning utilize and create new innovations. The innovation of Islamic religious education learning that is carried out is by using a project-based learning model (PjBL) which is a 21st century learning model based on basic concepts and paradigms. This method is considered to be able to increase students’ motivation in conducting analysis aimed at problem-solving activities and critical thinking.
Keywords: Society 5.0, Islamic religious education, Islamic religious studies, Revolution-era technology.
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