The Role of Al-Ikhlas Park Reading in The Culturing of Social-Religious Behavior in Scavenger Children




The Al-Ikhlas public reading park is a place for scavenger children to develop their potential, open up insights, gain experience, and grow self-confidence. This motivates and supports children to learn for free, especially scavengers who are less skilled. This study aimed to examine the socio-religious behavior of scavenger children in the Al-Ikhlas public reading park in TPST Bantar Gebang Bekasi, West Java. It aims to examine the role of the public reading gardens in improving the socio-religious behavior of scavenger children at the park. This researcher uses a field research method, and a qualitative method using a sociological approach. The results of this study contain the role of the Al-Ikhlas public reading garden in the effort of instilling religious social behavior in scavenger children. Efforts to inculcate socio-religious behavior in the development of religiosity include learning to pray by explaining what prayer is, how important prayer is in daily life, introducing prayer readings, learning to fast, and breaking the fast together starting with a cult from a public reading garden. Similarly, reciting the Koran by learning to read iqro, Al-quran, juz-amma, and muroja’ah, as well as the commemoration of Islamic holidays are ways of instilling socio-religious behavior.

Keywords: Social Religious Behavior, Scavenger Children, Education


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How to Cite

Dyah Purwanıngsıh, Y. ., & ., S. (2023). The Role of Al-Ikhlas Park Reading in The Culturing of Social-Religious Behavior in Scavenger Children. KnE Social Sciences, 8(16), 658–671.