Determinants Affecting Intention to Use E-Wallets in Vietnam: An Empirical Case of Momo




This research endeavors to identify and assess the determinants influencing the intention to use Momo e-wallet in Ho Chi Minh City, establishing connections between these factors. The research methodology involved the design of a questionnaire based on the UTAUT model, tailored to evaluate the determinants affecting the intention to use e-wallets in Vietnam, with a specific focus on Momo. A total of 388 respondents, all Momo users, participated in the study. The results of the regression analysis revealed that all four determinants significantly impact the intention to use the Momo e-wallet, with varying levels of significance: Effort Expectancy (?=0.45), Promotional Benefits (?=0.379), Performance Expectancy (?=0.13), and Facilitating Conditions (?=0.072). Understanding these factors that influence usage intention and gaining insights into user preferences can facilitate the development of e-wallet systems that support e-wallet providers in penetrating the market and retaining their existing user base.

Keywords: intention to use, e-wallets, Momo, Vietnam


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How to Cite

Huy, D. G. ., & Huynh, A.-V. . (2023). Determinants Affecting Intention to Use E-Wallets in Vietnam: An Empirical Case of Momo. KnE Social Sciences, 8(20), 125–141.