Awareness of Climate Change Among University Students: A Case Study at FPT University




This study aims to analyze and evaluate students’ perceptions of climate change in Vietnam today, through various communication methods such as social networks, newspapers, educational programs. This study is based on a survey taken by 460 university students. Quantitative analysis was conducted using frequency statistics, Cronbach’s Alpha and EFA. The results show that there are significant differences between students when there are two opposing opinions: climate change can be overcome in the future and climate change is unlikely to be overcome in the future. Students draw conclusions through their own understanding of climate change. After conducting the research as well as after consulting and analyzing quantitative data, along with collecting and surveying students’ opinions, we were able to come up with methods to improve our actions. Students in particular, and people in general, lack awareness on environmental protection, especially in terms of the improvement of educational programs and promotion of propaganda about environmental protection consciousness. Youngpeople represent the future generation of knowledge that influences the development of the national environment.

Keywords: climate change, perception, environment management, consciousness


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How to Cite

Nguyen, T. L. . (2023). Awareness of Climate Change Among University Students: A Case Study at FPT University. KnE Social Sciences, 8(20), 165–185.