A Conceptual Framework for Assessment of Moderating Role of Organizational Culture in the Relationship Between Workplace Bullying and Organizational Performance
Workplace bullying has a significant impact on employee and organizational performance. Organizational culture also plays a crucial role in influencing employee performance and can help mitigate workplace bullying. This study aims to propose a conceptual framework to assess the relationship between workplace bullying and organizational performance, taking into account the moderating role of organizational culture. Data for this study will be collected using stratified random sampling from academic staff at 20 public sector universities in Malaysia. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique through SmartPLS will be employed to test the hypotheses. The study will analyze the significance of the interrelation between workplace bullying, organizational performance, and organizational culture using SEM with SmartPLS. The moderating role of organizational culture in the relationship between workplace bullying and organizational performance will also be examined. It is worth noting that the framework in this paper does not include specific dimensions of organizational culture. To enhance the scope of future research, additional dimensions should be added. Furthermore, this study is limited to exploring the moderating role of organizational culture; including the mediating role could further enrich the research. The findings of this research will be valuable for university and organizational management in creating a bullying-free work environment. Eliminating workplace bullying can lead to improved organizational performance and foster a progressive culture within the organization. By investigating the moderating role of organizational culture, this paper offers a comprehensive approach to understanding the impact of workplace bullying on organizational performance. The unique focus on organizational culture as a moderating factor makes this study a valuable addition to the existing body of knowledge in this area.
Keywords: workplace bullying, organizational performance, organizational culture, organizational behavior, conceptual framework
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