The Relationship Between Religious Knowledge, Religious Personality and Inter-Ethnic Tolerance Among Malaysian Undergraduate Students


  • Mashitah Sabdin Department of Management and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 32610, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
  • Mohd Ikhwan Izzat Zulkefli Department of Management and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 32610, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia



In a modern society that comprises various ethnic and religious groups, who share different cultures and languages, tolerance between these groups is a critical element in building peace and harmony. In the Malaysian context, the promotion and fostering of ethnic tolerance has become one of the main agendas of the government in strengthening inter-ethnic relations. This is one of the best ways to prevent ethnic conflict in a pluralistic Malaysian society. In addition, building ethnic tolerance among students of different ethnicities, whether in schools or higher education institutions, should be a major concern that needs to be systematically addressed from within the Malaysian education system. To date, past studies have shown that ethnic slurs, prejudice, and discrimination among students still occur, even though various efforts has been introduced to foster tolerance in the education system and curriculum. As such, the role of religiosity is identified as an important element in sustaining ethnic tolerance. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between religious knowledge, religious personality and inter-ethnic tolerance among Malaysian undergraduate students. Data was collected from 53 Malaysian undergraduate students using a survey questionnaire. A Pearson correlation analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between the variables. The results show a positive significant relationship between religious knowledge, religious personality and inter-ethnic tolerance among Malaysian undergraduate students. The results of this study indicate that the role of religious knowledge and religious personality could lead students to achieve ethnic tolerance in a multi-racial and multi-religious country like Malaysia.

Keywords: inter-ethnic tolerance, religious knowledge, religious personality, undergraduate students, Malaysia


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How to Cite

Sabdin, M. ., & Ikhwan Izzat Zulkefli, M. (2023). The Relationship Between Religious Knowledge, Religious Personality and Inter-Ethnic Tolerance Among Malaysian Undergraduate Students. KnE Social Sciences, 8(20), 336–348.