Application of the Nominal Group Technique (NGT) in Identifying the Components of the Islamic Affairs Index Instrument
The establishment of the Islamic Affairs administration has been a significant driving force behind the advancement of Islam and the Muslim community in Malaysia. To enhance religious comprehension within this community, the administration has implemented diverse programs and policies aimed at this objective. Despite the multitude of initiatives, the effectiveness of the Islamic Affairs administration’s execution of these programs and policies remains inadequately understood. Given this context, it has become imperative to closely monitor the ongoing performance of Islamic affairs to ensure the continuous growth and prosperity of Islam and the Muslim community. Consequently, this study endeavors to pinpoint the crucial constituents of the Islamic affairs index tool. Employing the Nominal Group Technique (NGT) method, the study engaged nine Islamic religious officers through purposive sampling. The findings of this research have identified eleven primary components that warrant inclusion in the Islamic affairs index instrument. This catalog of components can serve as a robust foundation for assessing the present efficacy of Islamic affairs. Consequently, the Islamic Affairs administration can systematically evaluate the impact of the programs and policies implemented within the Muslim community, thereby fostering a more informed decision-making process.
Keywords: Islamic affairs, index instrument, components, nominal group technique, Malaysia
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