FPT HCM University Parental Attitudes and Behavior Towards their Children's ``Coming Out''
The research team carried out a study of parental’ attitudes and behaviors towards their children’s ”coming-out” and gender identity. The study was conducted in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam with a group of respondents who are parents of the FPT students. The study was conducted through quantitative methods using questionnaires modified from previous qualitative studies of the researchers. The results show that the group of respondents had low rates of shock or devastation because of their children’s sexual orientation, but they still had a worried attitude. While their behavior is largely non-violent towards their children, they still try to encourage their children to conform to the biological sex they were born with. Parents are also more inclined to accept their children’s sexual orientation if society and its laws accept it. The research results have and will contribute to the implementation of many campaigns and activities related to the topic of LGBT parents and children.
Keywords: parents, students, attitude, behavior, LGBT, coming out, FPT HCM university
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