The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention: Case Study of Vietnam's domestic fashion brands


  • Vo Minh Sang Department of Business Administration, FPT University, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Mai Tran Department of Business Administration, FPT University, Vietnam
  • Ho My Duyen Department of Business Administration, FPT University, Vietnam
  • Le Tuong Vi Department of Business Administration, FPT University, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Gia Bao Vi Department of Business Administration, FPT University, Vietnam
  • Pham Thi Phuong Thao Department of Business Administration, FPT University, Vietnam



The study aimed to examine the impact of social media marketing on brand awareness and purchase intention for Vietnamese domestic fashion brands. Quantitative research was conducted on 302 Vietnamese people of Generation Z. The questionnaire designed on Google forms was sent to research samples who were willing to participate. Research results determined the role and benefits of social media marketing in 2 aspects: (1) information about the brand of social media marketing on social networks and (2) brand engagement on social networks. Social media marketing has a positive impact on brand awareness and purchase intention of Vietnamese domestic fashion brands. In particular, brand information when communicating on social networks has a direct and positive impact on brand awareness and purchase intention. Brand engagement on social networks has a positive direct impact on brand awareness and a positive indirect impact on purchase intention through brand awareness. The research results show that Vietnamese domestic fashion brands do quite well in social media marketing, and are highly appreciated by the online community of generation Z in Vietnam. In the future, in order to improve brand awareness and purchase intention, Vietnamese domestic fashion brands need to pay attention to the brand information properties of social media marketing programs and need to invest more in brand engagement characteristics of social networks.

Keywords: social media marketing, brand awareness, purchase intention


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How to Cite

Sang, V. M. ., Mai Tran, N. ., Duyen, H. M. ., Vi, L. T. ., Gia Bao Vi, N. ., & Phuong Thao, P. T. . (2023). The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention: Case Study of Vietnam’s domestic fashion brands. KnE Social Sciences, 8(20), 555–572.