Reliability Generalization of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale: A Meta-Analysis


  • Kabiru Maitama Kura UTB School of Business, Universiti Teknologi Brunei,Jalan Tungku Link, Gadong BE1410, Brunei Darussalam
  • Fadzliwati Mohiddin UTB School of Business, Universiti Teknologi Brunei,Jalan Tungku Link, Gadong BE1410, Brunei Darussalam
  • Hartini Mashod UTB School of Business, Universiti Teknologi Brunei,Jalan Tungku Link, Gadong BE1410, Brunei Darussalam
  • Faridahwati Mohd. Shamsudin Department of Management,University of Sharja, Uniited Arab Emirate
  • Ramatu Abdulkareem Abubakar Distance Learning Center, Ahmadu Bello University Samaru 810006, Zaria, Nigeria
  • Kabiru Jinjiri Ringim Department of Business Administration, Ahmadu Bello University Kongo Campus, Zaria, Nigeria
  • Noor Maya Salleh 5Brunei Civil Service Institute,Brunei Darussalam



Since the first quarter of 2019, significant research efforts have been dedicated to curtail the spread of COVID-19. This study aimed to complement existing research by synthesizing Cronbach’s alpha coefficients and generalizing the Fear of COVID-19 Scale, with the goal of reducing the pandemic’s impact. Through a systematic literature search in electronic databases from 2019 to February 2021, we identified 2,753 works published in various sources, including journals, conference proceedings, books, and book chapters. Out of these, only 26 studies provided Cronbach’s alpha coefficients and were included in the meta-analysis. Employing a random-effects model, we analyzed the data and found that the Fear of COVID-19 Scale exhibited excellent internal consistency [? = 0.87 (95% CI 0.86–0.88)]. However, there was significant heterogeneity among the included studies. Despite this, the Fear of COVID-19 Scale demonstrated good internal consistency reliability. As the fight against COVID-19 continues, we encourage future psychometric studies of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale to report important characteristics of participants and details of item scores

Keywords: Cronbach’s alpha, fear of Covid-19 scale, meta-analysis, reliability generalization, random effect


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How to Cite

Maitama Kura, K. ., Mohiddin, F. ., Mashod, H. ., Mohd. Shamsudin, F. ., Abdulkareem Abubakar, R. ., Jinjiri Ringim, K., & Maya Salleh, N. (2023). Reliability Generalization of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale: A Meta-Analysis. KnE Social Sciences, 8(20), 573–587.