The Role of Traditional Heads in Resolving Land Disputes in Sekerat Village, Bengalon District, East Kutai Regency East Kalimantan Province
The role of traditional heads in resolving land disputes that occur in Sekerat Village, East Kutai Regency provides a solution in solving problems faced by warring communities because of land disputes, especially customary land. This is so that the problem does not take place continuously causing a dispute between the two disputing parties. This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach, using purposive sampling techniques as informants. This study uses qualitative data analysis methods. The people of Sekerat Village have their own way of solving the problem outside court or non-litigation, namely through the traditional head in his territory. Where they feel that the problem can be solved relatively faster, can be materialized, low cost, and its settlement is carried out by peaceful means through deliberation. And historically, the culture of Indonesian society is very upholding high deliberative approach.
Keywords: role, traditional chief, settlement, land disputes
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