The Concept of Restorative Justice in Islamic Criminal Law: Alternative Dispute Settlement Based on Justice
This study discusses the concept of restorative justice in Islamic criminal law as an alternative to restorative justice-based dispute resolution. This study is to analyze the concept of restorative justice in the context of Islamic criminal law and identify its potential use as a more just and recovery-oriented dispute resolution method. This research method is a literature study by collecting and analyzing primary and secondary sources related to the concept of restorative justice in Islamic criminal law. This study used a descriptive-analytical approach to understand the essence and principles of restorative justice and how it can be applied in the context of Islamic criminal law. The results of the study show that the concept of restorative justice in Islamic criminal law emphasizes recovery, reconciliation, and reintegration of offenders into society. This approach pays special attention to the needs of victims, encourages their active participation in the dispute resolution process, and involves the community as a key stakeholder. This study also identifies the potential for using the concept of restorative justice in Islamic criminal law as an alternative to resolving disputes. A restorative approach allows the parties involved to reach mutually satisfactory agreements, restore damaged relationships, and reduce the risk of repeat offenses. In conclusion, the concept of restorative justice in Islamic criminal law can be an alternative that has the potential to improve justice in dispute resolution.
Keywords: restorative justice, Islamic criminal law, justice, disputes
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