Local Wisdom and the Traditional Marriage Law of Osing Kemiren Village in the Era of Information Technology
Kemiren Village is one of tourist villages. It is located in the eastern tip of East Java province. It was chosen as the traditional tourism village of the Osing tribe because Kemiren village was still very substantial in maintaining the preservation of Osing customs, traditions, arts and culture, and the pattern of the social life of its people. This form of local wisdom was manifested in various aspects of life, both in the sacred and profane realms. Various traditional rituals continued today, such as the barong ider bumi ritual, tumpeng sewu, ten ewu coffee and the gedhogan festival which conveyed the meaning of gratitude for crops, asking for protection from epidemics and diseases as well as brotherhood with fellow villagers and guests who attend the event. The people of Osing Kemiren village have still maintained the preservation of customary law to this day, both in matters of marriage and inheritance. The information technology era that was currently developing has had a positive effect on the people of Osing Kemiren village, namely to promote Osing Kemiren village as a tourist village, as well as to encourage progress in other public services. However, it does not affect behavior in daily life as well as customary laws and habits that apply among the Kemiren village community.
Keywords: Kemiren village; customary tourism village; local wisdom; customary laws; the digital age
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