New National Capital City (IKN) in Legal Polemic
The urgency of moving the national capital is a necessity that has been present since the beginning of the Indonesian Government. Problems occurs when the Indonesia development focusing on Jakarta as capital city. The process of moving the National Capital City (IKN) is going through a stage of development that has begun since the last few years, the rapid construction of this IKN must have the legal basis needed in the certainty of the process of moving this capital city. Legal certainty is an urgency for the initial steps and certainty from investors related to funding and the process. The purposes of this study is to analyse the problems in IKN from legal polemic. As an foundation of the development of IKN, the problem of IKN can be a prominent step to resolve the sustainability of the New Capital City of Indonesia. The method of this study using the normative yudical which using literature materials or mere secondary data. The transfer of IKN is a process in accelerating the Indonesian economy more evenly, the legal basis for the formation of the new capital city is very important in the foundation of development and investment guarantees. The making process, principles, the fast time, academic manuscripts, articles that do not reflect the environment and customs, economic alignment, benefits for the Indonesian community and community participation, even criticism on social media are the critism of this law. Through the UU IKN no 3 2022, it has contained, vision, mission and basic principles, performance indicators and passed the regulation, UU no 3 about IKN is the foundation for a moving, until the whole national capital really moves and becomes a step for equitable distribution of the Indonesian economy.
Keywords: New Capital City, Capital City, Legal Polemic, IKN
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