Resistance to The Cancellation of Auction Execution on the Collateral Right




This research aims to determine the resistance to cancellation of auction for the collateral object of the mortgage right and the creditor’s responsibility toward the auction winner, when, the object of the mortgage right has a lawsuit against the creditor from another party. The research method used in this research is a normative juridical research method. The research results show that the auction cannot be canceled if it complies with existing regulations and procedures as regulated in PMK.No.213/PMK.06/2020 concerning instructions for carrying out auctions. Creditors can be held responsible if an auction is canceled after the auction has been executed as regulated in Minister of Finance Regulation, PMK No. 213/PMK.06/2020 concerning instructions for implementing auctions. Creditors must ensure the validity of the mortgage object being auctioned. So, if the creditor is negligent in this matter, it is the responsibility of the creditor (auction seller) to provide compensation for third-party losses.

Keywords: cancellation, auction execution, guarantee, mortgage


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How to Cite

., H. (2024). Resistance to The Cancellation of Auction Execution on the Collateral Right. KnE Social Sciences, 9(1), 962–974.