Social Reintegration of Victims of Human Trafficking in Indonesia
Victims of trafficking in persons are understood as Victims of crime are persons who have suffered personal or collective harm, including physical or mental injury, mental suffering, financial loss, or substantial damage to their basic rights, as a result of acts or omissions that violate applicable criminal laws and laws. That prevents criminal abuse of power. Victims of human rights crimes, namely the right to obtain restitution, medical rehabilitation, social rehabilitation, social reintegration, and refoulment. This study uses normative legal research methods with a research approach, namely the statutory approach and the legal concept analysis approach. As well as the data analysis technique used is a qualitative descriptive analysis technique. the result of the social reintegration of victims of trafficking in persons as a process of reuniting victims with their families or communities includes physical, psychological and rehabilitation protection and ensures that the reintegration process of applicable social norms can be understood by victims who wish to return to their hometowns. In the Indonesian context, especially the Social Service in Malang, victims must also ensure that they have identity cards, family cards, and other supporting data as tools for identification and a complete assessment of human trafficking victims. However, considering that human trafficking victims are vulnerable, especially in population data and administration, other identification options are needed to make integrating human trafficking victims easier.
Keywords: Social Reintegration; Victims; Human Trafficking; Indonesia.
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