International law recognises the right to food for all, including indigenous peoples. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) suggests four aspects of food security sustainability: availability, accessibility, utilisation, and food sustainability. In the context of Orang Asli in Malaysia, the Orang Asli Act 1954 does not expressly provide food security for Orang Asli. The National Agrofood Policy 2021–2030 needs to be revised to comprehensively address the issue of Orang Asli food security compared to international legal standards. The gaps in this law are one of the causes that contribute to the inability to address the issue of food security for Orang Asli holistically. Therefore, the main objective of this article is to critically analyse existing laws and policies related to the right to food and food security of Orang Asli and propose a food security model for Orang Asli based on human rights principles and international legal standards. This study employs doctrinal legal methodologies applicable to international law, domestic law, and policies pertinent to Orang Asli food security. The study found that the existing law in APA 1954 needs to be revised to guarantee food security for Orang Asli. Therefore, a hybrid legal model of food security for Orang Asli is significant to address this issue comprehensively as it combines the uniqueness of the customs and aspirations of Orang Asli, human rights principles, and international legal standards. This model could assist the government in accomplishing Sustainable Development Goal 2, which aims to end hunger, achieve food security, and improve nutrition.
Keywords: Food security; human rights; Orang Asli; rights to food; UNDRIP.
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