The Impact of Consumer Perception on Buying: Decision Process of Environment-friendly Tupperware Products in Makassar City


  • Muhammad Syukur Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
  • Yusi Irensi Seppa Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
  • Ibrahim Arifin Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
  • Nizar Amalia Amanhy Damayanti Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
  • Putri Zahwa Biantika Balqis Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia



This study aims to identify the impact of consumer perception on the buying decision process of environmenta-friendly Tupperware products in Makassar City. The research type is descriptive qualitative research to explain facts in the field. The data collection techniques include observations, interviews, and documentation. The data are analyzed in three steps. The first step is data reduction focusing on the selection, simplification, abstraction, and transformation of raw data from the field records. The second stage is data presentation by compiling information into statements that allow conclusion drawing. The third stage is conclusion drawing based on data reduction and presentation. The research results indicate that consumer perception has a positive impact on the buying decision process of environment-friendly Tupperware products in Makassar City. This can be seen from the selective perception process, which is a part of consumer perception that consists of exposure, attention, comprehension, and retention steps, suggesting that most informants follow these steps in the buying decision process of the desired Tupperware products.

Keywords: perception, consumer, buying decision


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How to Cite

Syukur, M. ., Seppa, Y. I. ., Arifin, I. ., Amanhy Damayanti, N. A. ., & Biantika Balqis, P. Z. . (2024). The Impact of Consumer Perception on Buying: Decision Process of Environment-friendly Tupperware Products in Makassar City. KnE Social Sciences, 9(2), 48–58.