Students' Response to Case-based Learning Methods Based on E-Learning in Pancasila Education Course (Survey Method Approach)
Pancasila education is very important to shape students’ attitudes and thoughts, especially in today’s technological era. Pancasila education faces a number of major problems. These include inconsistent learning across different programs, a limited number of teachers, and an increasingly sharp trend of programs, which reduces student interest. The purpose of this research is to address these issues by incorporating an e-learning case study approach into the Pancasila Education course. The study involved 84 Pancasila and Citizenship Education students from the Pancasila Education Department. The results showed that e-learning case study learning can encourage students to study and discuss cases related to Pancasila values. Not only did they gain a better understanding of the material, but this method also improved their ability to think critically and work together. This research found that the Pancasila education curriculum in higher education should use a case-based learning approach. Therefore, it is expected that Pancasila education will become more interesting and useful for students. It will also ensure that students understand Pancasila values deeply and can be applied in daily life and in the digital era.
Keywords: case-based learning, higher education
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