The Sultanate of Palembang Based on Digital Storytelling As a Learning Media of Local History in Palembang
This study aimed to create a thrilling and interactive learning experience for students using digital media (including audio, videos, photographs, and animations) while analyzing the history of Palembang Sultanate. College students must be invited to participate in ancient adventures and experience the ecosystem of the Palembang Sultanate. This learning media may be designed with the aid of students and by using the currently available digital era. Story content can be developed using thrilling narratives, creative visuals, and animations that bring ancient events to life. Moreover, student interplay with the content can be endorsed via questions, sports, and demanding situations that are incorporated into the tale. The current study examines the learning media by testing it on a set of college students in Palembang and measures its effectiveness in raising interest, understanding, and appreciation of the history of the Palembang Sultanate. The results of the assessment could be used to enhance and optimize the knowledge of media so that it is extra effective and per the needs of college students. It is hoped that using virtual storytelling-based knowledge of media can grow students’ interest in gaining knowledge of neighborhood records, support their sense of cultural identification, and broaden their knowledge of the journey of the Palembang Sultanate. This study media can also be a beneficial reference supply for instructors in teaching neighborhood records in Palembang.
Keywords: Palembang Sultanate, digital storytelling, learning media, local history, Palembang
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