The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Group Counseling Restructuring Technique to Reduce the Social Anxiety of Cyber-Bullying Victim
Bullying is one of the apprehensive problems to the students at school. Bullying does not happens only at school but it also happens at cyberspace and it is called cyber-bullying. This aggression involves the use of technology like mobile phones, video camera, email, and web pages to send the message that humiliate other people. Besides that, platforms like social media which are very favored by many people today, can be a tool to do cyber-bullying. The cyber-bullying victim can get many emotional effects like anxiety, stress, depression, or suicide. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group counseling using cognitive restructuring techniques in reducing cyber-bullying social anxiety among students. This research uses an experimental approach one group pretest-posttest control design. The subject of the research are twelve students at a high school named SMA Negeri 7 Mataram, Indonesia. The data collection uses scale social anxiety. The data analysis use one way statistic ANNOVA. The results showed that the application of cognitive behavioral group counseling using cognitive restructuring techniques was effective in reducing cyber-bullying social anxiety in students.
Keywords: cognitive behavior group counseling, cognitive restructuring, cyber-bullying
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