Community-based Agrotourism Development: The Analysis Strategy of Government of Bantaeng Regency, Indonesia
The development of agrotourism can not only encourage economic growth but also increase the positive perception of farmers and the public for preserving agricultural land as new business land. For this purpose, the government needs to take steps for preserving the environment, through means of agrotourism development in order to benefit the community. Through qualitative methods, this study aims to analyze the strategies and efforts that can be made by the government in developing communitybased agrotourism. Research data were obtained from observation, education literature, and interviews, before initiating the analysis, data triangulation process was conducted. The results of the analysis show that the government needs to develop space utilization so that people can develop new agrotourism business products, make promotional efforts to attract visitors, and provide new plant nursery facilities to the community. In addition, to maximize community-based agritourism in Bantaeng district, the government needs to provide training to increase human resources and outreach to the community.
Keywords: agrotourism development, government, business land
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