Power Sharing of Political Position in Jeneponto Regency
This study aims to explore in-depth, discuss, and provide a detailed description of power distribution in political positions in Jeneponto. The power-sharing of political position in Jeneponto Regency can be seen from several aspects, first, power-sharing is intended to create a balance, harmony, and political order by adhering to the principle of checks and balances. Second, it anticipates the occurrence of power practices dominated by specific groups or factions. Third, it is a political strategy to acquire power and fight for the rights and interests of the people. This research is qualitative and descriptive in nature. The informants of this study were government officials, political party leaders, general election commission commissioners, and registered voters selected through a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques included observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used were data presentation, data reduction, and conclusion. The results of the study indicate that (1) an imbalance was observed in the distribution of political power, which has the potential to create political imbalance, disharmony, and division. (2) There is a tendency for power distribution to be dominated by specific groups or factions. (3) There is still the practice of oligarchy driven by political elites who prioritize their interests and their groups while neglecting or disregarding the interests of others and the general public.
Keywords: power sharing, political positions
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