Morphology Development of West Surabaya




The development of the morphology of the city of West Surabaya has become the new modern area with housing developments since the 1970s. At first, most of the area of West Surabaya was an area of rice fields, dry fields, and swamps. Along with the increasing number of residential area developments, West Surabaya has become an increasingly crowded area. The presence of the Citraland developer accelerated the city’s morphological development. This paper explains how the area is developing with the presence of Citraland real estate in West Surabaya. The method of explanation is by analyzing the data and sources obtained through the stages of historical research methods, which include heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Based on the results of data analysis and sources obtained, it was found that the development of the real estate area in Surabaya included two development periods, namely the period before the involvement of investors and after being handled by investors with CitraLand’s real estate intervention. The Citraland developer has changed the West Surabaya area morphologically with various developments that have been carried out. Some of the indicators are the emergence of differences in the social status of the inhabitants. Most of the luxury and medium-sized residential types in Citraland were inhabited by the Chinese community, while local residents occupy simple residential types in the Griya Citra Asri area. However, the development of CitraLand has made a major contribution to the morphological development of the western part of Surabaya.

Keywords: city morphology, West Surabaya, real estate, Citraland


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How to Cite

., W., & Rizky Listyaputri, D. . (2024). Morphology Development of West Surabaya. KnE Social Sciences, 9(2), 415–423.