Strengthening National Identity Through Sheikh Yusuf's Historical Traces


  • Khaeruddin . Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
  • Dyan Paramitha Darmayanti Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
  • Najma Moosa University of The Western Cape, South Africa



This study aims to build national identity through the historical traces of Sheikh Yusuf as one of the important figures in the spread of Islam in Indonesia. This can be an effective mean to foster a sense of love for the country and nationalism of the younger generation in building the nation’s identity. This study used a literature study including books or journals about Sheikh Yusuf. The results show that the life of Sheikh Yusuf can be an effective means to foster a sense of patriotism and nationalism in the younger generation in building the identity of the Indonesian nation, which can be seen from loyalty to religious values and the motherland, the spirit of struggle in life, interfaith tolerance, and cross-cultural brotherhood, the importance of education and learning, cultural diplomacy and international relations, to respect for cultural and historical heritage. Through the narratives and values contained in Sheikh Yusuf’s life trajectory, the younger generation can gain a deeper insight into the strengths and potential of the Indonesian nation. Thus, they can be inspired to actively contribute in building a strong and competitive national identity.

Keywords: Sheikh Yusuf, national identity, history


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How to Cite

., K., Paramitha Darmayanti, D., & Moosa, N. . (2024). Strengthening National Identity Through Sheikh Yusuf’s Historical Traces. KnE Social Sciences, 9(2), 449–458.