Community-Based Family Assistance Team (TPK) in Improving Family Resilience in Enrekang Regency
Enrekang Regency is the locus of stunting, although natural resources are so abundant compared to other districts in South Sulawesi but have a high rate, as well as child marriage, so it requires special assistance from the community or community-based in increasing family resilience. This study examines the capacity of community-based companions, with a theoretical approach to social assistance and dominated by the concept of Parsons et. al. stating that the empowerment process is generally carried out collectively. From the results of the study found, among others: high stunting rates, child marriage, and divorce rates so that single parents, especially women, can survive to continue their lives by gardening or farming (especially onion farmers). Along with the decline in family resilience that is happening in Enrekang district as a whole, local community-based mentors are needed, because they are the spearhead for a change, but the important problem is their lack of knowledge about the concept of mentoring. The research method used is a qualitative type of research, which focuses on collecting information or in-depth interviews, and this research was conducted for 3 months in 2022-2023.
Keywords: companion, family, community based, family resilience, Enrekang
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