Technology Development in Waste Management in Makassar City
In the process of handling garbage in the City of Makassar, the government is always looking for ways that can be more effective and efficient in its use. The development of technology in the management of garbage to produce energy is a waste management solution in the City of Indonesia. The land in the management of waste has become a priority as the amount of waste grows daily. Through this research, it was discussed how to develop technology by offering the Landfill Gass Collection system through the application of technology for the utilization of the technology that is appropriate for the waste and conditions present in the city of Makassar. This study discussed one of the waste management systems that have been implemented in Indonesia, namely in TPA Benowo-Surabaya. The results of this study concluded that the Landfill Gass Collection technology system is more effective and significant in the handling of garbage, while generating energy converted from garbage to be used by the community with the cooperation process of the government and relevant parties. This process can produce a policy for the management of garbage in the city of Makassar.
Keywords: development, utilization of technology, waste management
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