The Level of Sustainability of PNPM-MP Achievements in the Community in Gowa Regency
It is hoped that the government’s efforts to carry out development with an emphasis on community empowerment will revive the spirit of togetherness and mutual cooperation which is increasingly being eroded by cities. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of sustainability of PNPM-MP achievement in the people of Gowa Regency. This research is a case study with a descriptive research type, namely to provide a comprehensive picture of the level and benefits of community participation through PNPM-MP in the implementation of the Development Program in Gowa Regency at each stage in the process mechanism of PNPM- MP activities. MP that has been going on. The results of the study show that the level of achievement of sustainability program has been carried out according to its objectives, with indications that (a) the community actively maintains facilities and infrastructure by providing personnel and material support according to available local capabilities, (b) program maintenance still refers to the learning outcomes of PNPM- MP through the PNPM-MP Implementation Manual, (c) local government appeals and norms and rules result from community agreements in deliberation forums.
Keywords: sustainability level, government, development, community, empowerment
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