Exploring the Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities for Civil Society in the Era of Society 5.0
This paper offers a literature review that examines the landscape of civil society in the period of Society 5.0, with a particular focus on Indonesian Islamic society. Society 5.0 is a vision for the future of a technologically sophisticated society that is harmoniously blended with human-centric values. Civil society in Indonesian Islamic society has a critical role in protecting citizen interests, fostering social well-being, and pushing societal change following Islamic teachings. This study examines the challenges faced by Indonesian Islamic civil society organizations in harnessing the potential of emerging technologies while addressing ethical considerations, power dynamics, and data privacy concerns within an Islamic framework, based on a thorough review of existing literature. Simultaneously, it reveals the opportunity presented by Society 5.0 for Indonesian Islamic civil society to use sophisticated technology, cooperate across sectors, and magnify their effect while respecting Islamic ideals. This research highlights strategies for Indonesian Islamic civil society to navigate these challenges, such as building technological capabilities, fostering collaborations, and advocating for supportive policy frameworks based on Islamic principles, based on an analysis of studies identified in the literature. Finally, this article underlines Indonesian Islamic civil society’s vital role in defining the development of Society 5.0, encouraging a participative and inclusive future within the Indonesian Islamic framework. By incorporating the context of Indonesian Islamic society, it further narrows down the focus of the study, recognizing the specific challenges and opportunities faced by civil society organizations within the Indonesian Islamic context in the era of Society 5.0.
Keywords: challenges, Islamic civil society, opportunities, Society 5.0
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