The Convergence of Islamic Law and Technology in The Enforcement of Citizen's Constitutional Rights in The Era Society 5.0




Globalization spreading across life spheres, especially in the fields of science and technology, also affects the digitalization of law through media convergence. This digitalization of the law is not exempt from the interference of Internet users in the form of criticism, dissemination of cases or social and legal issues, as well as advice to governments or the legal system through social media platforms used by the public, either in a national or international scope. The influence of people’s opinions on the Internet through social media has been remarkable in recent times on the law enforcement ruling of a case. In few cases, the decision was made due to the pressure of internet citizens on social media. The purpose of this study is to describe the convergence of Islamic law and technology in enforcing the constitutional rights of citizens in the era of Society 5.0 as an effort to create democracy and enforcement of the law that is fair and transparent through independence and freedom to express opinions, as well as the right to share and receive information by citizens of the Internet in electronic media, social media, in particular. This research is qualitative with methods of Law approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. The source of legal material used is secondary legal material, which is subsequently analyzed by deductive methods. The result of this study is that when society cannot be regulated primarily related to the use of social media, then the law can act as a law as a tool of social engineering.

Keywords: convergence, Islamic law, constitutional rights, era Society 5.0


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How to Cite

Fatimah, S. ., Wiwoho, J. ., & ., I. (2024). The Convergence of Islamic Law and Technology in The Enforcement of Citizen’s Constitutional Rights in The Era Society 5.0. KnE Social Sciences, 9(3), 199–210.