Signification of Halal Product Assurance Post Law No. 11 of 2020 in Society 5.0 Era
Halal Products Assurance in Indonesia has gone through various phases of changing regulations starting from KMA No. 518 and 519 of 2001 to UU No. 33 of 2014 and updated in UU No. 11 of 2020 about Cipta Kerja. This shows how serious the government is in implementing Halal Product Assurance. However, these changes are an appropriate step in fulfilling public demand regarding Halal Product Assurance. Apart from entering a new era, namely the Society 5.0, where everything will be based on technology. It can be a challenge itself in the process of ensuring Halal Product Assurance. So, this research wants to see a significant change in Halal Product Assurance in the Era of Society 5.0 after Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. This research is the type of library research with the data collection method by analyzing laws and regulations related to halal product guarantees and taking notes and documentation related to legal guarantees for halal products. The results of the study show that there has been a significant change in regulations for filing halal products that are neater and the time efficiency for issuing halal certificates is also much shorter. Apart from that legal certainty and sanctions after the amendment of the article in the cluster of UU Cipta Kerja are getting stronger. Even the entry of the Society 5.0 era has been anticipated by presenting some innovations such as the application based on android name PUSAKA and the application web-based name SIHALAL.
Keywords: halal, halal certificate, halal product assurance, Society 5.0.
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