Islam and Society 5.0 Era: Privacy between Husband and Wife in Review of Family Law Interpretation
This paper examines the privacy between husband and wife in a marital relationship from the perspective of Islamic family law interpretation. This study aims to reveal the explanation of the Qur’an as the main source of Islamic law in privacy issues between husband and wife, especially in this social era 5.0. The method used in obtaining data is qualitative through literature studies, further analyzed by the content analysis method. The results of the study show that according to the perspective of the Qur’an, there is no longer any privacy between husband and wife. This is based on the interpretation of several verses, namely QS. al-Nisa’ [4]: 21 and 34, QS. al-Rum [30]: 21, and QS. al-Baqarah [2]: 187. Everything shows that the husband and wife are two people who have no privacy with each other. Thus, in this social era 5.0 where home life cannot be separated from technology, such as gadgets, smartphones, mobile phones, laptops, and so on, in which some things are private, such as communication, social media, mobile banking, and so on, then for husband and wife, this is not included in the category of privacy between each other (Accessing it does not fall under the nusyuz category). Thus, it is not worthy and inappropriate to be kept secret from the couple. In fact, keeping it secret seems like there is a problem and is an aberration.
Keywords: husband and wife, privacy, Society 5.0 Era
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