Sexual Relationship of Husband and Wife in Normative, Sociological, and Psychological Perspectives
Sexual intercourse is a sexual activity that does not only include one person but also involves other parties as partners. Sexual relations have certain rules so as not to harm either the wife or the husband. Problem formulation of how is the sexual relationship between husband and wife in the perspective of normative, sociology, and psychology? The purpose of this research is to find out the sexual relations of husband and wife from a normative, sociological, and psychological perspective, and how the rights and obligations of sexual relations between men and women in marriage are equal. This research uses library research or qualitative methods. The approach used is a normative, sociological, and psychological approach. The results of this study are that Islam regulates sexual relations between husband and wife. In surah al-Baqarah (2): 223 it is stated that the wife is a rice field cultivated by her husband. The husband is given freedom regarding how and when to have sexual relations with his wife. Sexual relations are a form of human activity that is naturally ingrained from birth. By nature, everything is created in pairs. From a sociological perspective, husband and wife in sex life become biological partners in household life. Humans cannot deny reproductive activity as one of their biological needs. In this case, Allah swt. has bestowed pleasure so that humans (husband and wife) have fun doing it so that they can continue it and maintain generations of people on this earth. Meanwhile from a psychological perspective every couple, especially the husband, tries to make his partner happy in sexual intercourse, especially in achieving the wife’s sexual satisfaction. One thing that can be done to achieve wife’s sexual satisfaction is to establish open and deep communication between husband and wife. So, the harmonious relationship between husband and wife can affect the health of the couple’s sexual behavior and conversely, the health of the husband and wife’s sexual behavior can affect the harmony of their relationship. Sexual fulfillment, as a form of spiritual livelihood, rights for a husband and wife can create a feeling of happiness in order to realize the goals of marriage, namely sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah.
Keywords: sexual, husband and wife, normative, sosiologi, psikologi
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