Circular Economy Business Model in Integrated Waste Management to Encourage Self-reliance in Jongbiru Village


  • Imam Mukhlis Rotasi Institute (Institute for Rural Development and Sustainability), Blitar, Indonesia
  • Pragita Aci Adistya Rotasi Institute (Institute for Rural Development and Sustainability), Blitar, Indonesia
  • Kamelia Kusuma Ning Sarwono Putri Rotasi Institute (Institute for Rural Development and Sustainability), Blitar, Indonesia
  • Paul Kaningga Rotasi Institute (Institute for Rural Development and Sustainability), Blitar, Indonesia
  • Mochamad Dandy Hadi Saputra Rotasi Institute (Institute for Rural Development and Sustainability), Blitar, Indonesia
  • Anisa Valentin Rotasi Institute (Institute for Rural Development and Sustainability), Blitar, Indonesia
  • Isnawati Hidayah Rotasi Institute (Institute for Rural Development and Sustainability), Blitar, Indonesia



The circular economy has been expected to be an effort to build a competitive and sustainable society. This study aims to develop a circular economy-based business model for waste management in Jongbiru Village, Kediri Regency. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative by developing a sustainable business model innovation framework. The model used is a development of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) by involving business aspects of the environment. The research data were collected through observation and interviews at the location of the research object. The results showed that the waste disposal site (TPS) in Jongbiru Village had implemented a circular economy business with the 3R principle (reduce, reuse, and recycle), which was managed independently. However, there are shortcomings in long-term planning and efforts related to the role of the community. Moreover, the findings in the field also show the potential that needs to be optimized through supporting facilities and social capital. The implications of this research encourage the role of stakeholders in planning the long-term development of business projects with a community engagement approach.

Keywords: village self-reliance, circular economy, social capital, business model canvas


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How to Cite

Mukhlis, I. ., Aci Adistya, P. ., Kusuma Ning Sarwono Putri, K. ., Kaningga, P. ., Dandy Hadi Saputra, M. ., Valentin, A. ., & Hidayah, I. . (2024). Circular Economy Business Model in Integrated Waste Management to Encourage Self-reliance in Jongbiru Village. KnE Social Sciences, 9(4), 46–56.