Effectiveness of Interactive E-Module Based on Mobile Learning in Management Accounting Course: Profit Planning and Performance Evaluation
The need for electronic modules to support effective learning and adapt to the development of the digital space. The current generation is starting to abandon printed books which are considered the traditional way of acquiring knowledge. The purpose of developing this E-module product is to assist students in understanding lecture material that is easy to understand, fun, and under current trends. The development product specifications are using RAD models and questionnaire to collect the response from the users. By presenting visuals in the form of image creations from students with the theme “Daily College Life”. The development method uses the model prototype, which triggers the developer to only create an example resolution to officially show the user the functional essence of the product. The developer will make various necessary changes according to user requests. The result of the E-module usage in the management accounting course can increase effectiveness and expand student material mastery to improve the quality of learning. Not only good reviews were obtained during the preparation of the module, but negative opinions regarding the packaging of the material contained in the module needed to be revised and readjusted. For the next stage, this product still needs some improvement as well as refinement at the system.
Keywords: E-Module, performance evaluation, profit planning
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