Analysis of the Effect of Financial Literacy On the Use of Financial Technology in the Society 5.0 Era
The emergence of disruptive innovation, experienced worldwide, is causing changes in systems and market patterns. This innovation has succeeded in introducing practicality, ease of access, convenience, and economical cost. These innovations also occur in the global financial services industry. The development of financial technology in Indonesia has increased quite rapidly from 2015 until now. Starting in 2006 the entry of financial technology in Indonesia continues to experience encouraging changes and innovations. The literacy of Indonesian people, especially the millennial generation is still very low; therefore, this study aims to find out how much influence financial literacy has on the use of financial technology among FEB Unesa students. This research is a quantitative study and uses primary data using simple linear regression data analysis techniques. The results of this study show that financial literacy has a significant positive effect on the use of financial technology. Understanding financial literacy has an impact on abilities in financial planning, determining appropriate financial products and services, understanding benefits and risks, and can improve welfare for themselves and the environment.
Keywords: financial literacy, financial technology, society era
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