Determinants of Personal Financial Management Behavior: Moderating Role of Financial Literacy
This study aims to investigate the effect of subjective norms and propensity to plan on personal financial management behavior, with financial literacy as a moderation. This study is a quantitative approach and data collection were done using questionnaires. The population of this study were students of Economics Education (Accounting) Department on one of University in Indonesia with a total of 235 students. In this paper, we used partial least squares to measure potential constituents as a composite index-path modeling. We used WarpPLS software version 7.0 to explore the relationships contained in the model. The structural equation model results show that subjective norms and the propensity to plan have a positive effect on personal financial management behavior. Additionally, financial literacy was able to moderate the influence of subjective norms on personal financial management behavior. However, moderating effects do not happen on the propensity to plan. This research implies that personal financial management behavior can depend on psychological aspects.
Keywords: subjective norms, propensity to plan, personal financial management behavior, financial literacy
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