The Effect of Hedonic Consumption Tendency on Online Impulse Buying through Positive Emotion on the Flash Sale Marketplace on Millennial Generation
In today’s era, offline shopping behavior has changed to online one, in order to increase the development of e-commerce platforms. Even online shopping activities are no longer a necessity. Now it is a hobby, especially for the millennial generation. This phenomenon happened because shopping activities can provide a pleasant experience for themselves. It makes consumers choose attractive online shopping places. One of them is the marketplace that offers flash sales. With the availability of various kinds of products and big discount offers or hot deals, it is easy for consumers to make online purchases spontaneously. It is mainly when they are influenced by a pleasant mood that will increase their desire to shop higher. The study aims to determine the effect of hedonic consumption tendency on online impulse buying through positive emotion on the millennial generation. PLS was used to analyze the data. The total number of respondents for this research were 252. The results of the study show that there is a positive and significant influence between hedonic consumption tendency toward online impulse buying, positive emotion toward online impulse buying, hedonic consumption tendency toward positive emotion, also there is a significant difference between hedonic consumption tendency toward online impulse buying through positive emotion in flash sale marketplace studies on the millennial generation.
Keywords: hedonic consumption tendency, online impulse buying, positive emotion
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