The Role of Brand Attractiveness on Impulse Buying with Celebrity Worship as A Mediation Variable on Purchase of Official Merch BTS in East Java


  • Anisya Djasmin Zaylendra Department of Manajement, Faculty of Economics, Merdeka University Pasuruan Indonesia
  • Dyajeng Puteri Woro Subagio Department of Manajement, Faculty of Economics, Merdeka University Pasuruan Indonesia
  • Agnes Ratna Pudyaningsih Department of Manajement, Faculty of Economics, Merdeka University Pasuruan Indonesia



The Korean wave phenomenon that is sweeping the world is slowly starting to have an economic impact, the presence of a music group consisting of young people with attractive appearances is the biggest driving factor causing the Korean wave phenomenon to spread, including the currently worldwide boyband BTS. This study aims to determine the role of brand attractiveness in impulse buying with celebrity worship as a mediating variable for purchasing official BTS merchandise in East Java. The sample in this study was 96 respondents with a sampling technique using purposive proportional random sampling with the criteria of consumers who bought BTS. BTS official merch fans commonly called ARMY fans who were in the East Java area and for private ownership. The results of this study indicate that brand attractiveness has a significant effect on impulse buying. Brand attractiveness has a significant effect on celebrity worship. Celebrity worship has a significant effect on impulse buying. Celebrity worship partially mediates brand attractiveness and impluse buying.

Keywords: brand attractiveness, impulse buying, celebrity worship


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How to Cite

Djasmin Zaylendra, A. ., Puteri Woro Subagio, D., & Ratna Pudyaningsih, A. . (2024). The Role of Brand Attractiveness on Impulse Buying with Celebrity Worship as A Mediation Variable on Purchase of Official Merch BTS in East Java. KnE Social Sciences, 9(4), 608–627.