The Effect of GDP, FDI, and Inflation to Trade Balance in 12 APEC Countries


  • Galih Aga Lumayung Department of Economic Development, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Firsty Ramadhona Amalia Lubis Department of Economic Development, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Nizaul Ngulum Fadilah Department of Economic Development, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Maman Faudzi Department of Economic Development, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Lestari Sukarniati Department of Economic Development, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan



This research analyzes the factors that affect the trade balance in 12 APEC countries because trade balance is one of the important factors for economic growth. The level of prosperity and economy of a country can be measured by its active trading activities. This activity can be a source of income for countries. So, it can be said that the strength of a country’s economy is its trade. Through trade, a country can establish diplomatic relations with other countries. This research uses panel data model with trade balance as a dependent variable, and gross domestic product (GDP), foreign direct investment (FDI), and inflation as independent variables. This research uses data from 2011-2020. The result is that GDP does not have significance with the trade balance, FDI has a positive significance for trade balance, and inflation has a negative significance with trade balance.

Keywords: APEC, data panel, trade balance


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How to Cite

Aga Lumayung, G. ., Ramadhona Amalia Lubis, F., Ngulum Fadilah, N., Faudzi, M. ., & Sukarniati, L. . (2024). The Effect of GDP, FDI, and Inflation to Trade Balance in 12 APEC Countries. KnE Social Sciences, 9(4), 668–679.