Optimization of Rice Distribution Network Based on Green Logistics Concept
SDGs or Sustainable Development Goals have become a global and national commitment. Greenhouse gases (GHG) are indicators of climate change which is one of the 17 SDG’s goals. In the national food logistics system with rice as a staple food, there are some regions with surplus production and other deficits. Hence, the distribution involved the transportation activities that need to be carried out. In transportation, the carbon footprints are generated from exhaust gases as residue from the fuel combustion process. The carbon footprint efficiency is one of the indicators in green logistics. Green logistics for decarbonization in the transportation sector for a better environment has to start massively. Indonesia is committed to implementing the green logistics concept in logistics distribution. In this case, the author determined the surplus area and the deficit one based on statistical data on the production and consumption of each city in Java. Furthermore, a distribution network model is designed that involves emission level as a parameter in determining the route on the network. In the design, the selected mode of freight transportation was limited to land transportation modes besides trains. The design makes environmental aspects a major consideration in the distribution as well as the shipping costs.
Keywords: carbon footprint, emission factor, green logistics
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