The Effect of Information Technology and Facilities on the Spirit of School Principles in Following Online Principal Strengthening Training Activities




As the LPD organizing professional school principal strengthening training, Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia is ready with a training model directed by the Language P4TK of the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel of the Ministry of Education and Culture, namely online education and training. This carefully points to decide: (1) The appearance of information technology on the character of educated principles in taking an interest in online principal strengthening training. (2) The influence of facilities on the spirit of principals in participating in online principal strengthening training. (3) The effect of information technology and facilities together on the spirit of school principals in participating in online principal strengthening training. Information was analyzed by factual examination of simple regression and difference regression. The F


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How to Cite

Luh Putu Yesy Anggreni, N. ., & Wayan Widi Astuti, N. . (2024). The Effect of Information Technology and Facilities on the Spirit of School Principles in Following Online Principal Strengthening Training Activities. KnE Social Sciences, 9(4), 809–813.