The Effect of Future Time Perspective and Community Resilience on Disaster Risk Reduction in Disaster-prone Communities
Indonesia routinely experiences disasters in various regions every year. To see that disaster management is currently disaster risk reduction oriented, individuals need to have a future time perspective to anticipate the potential impacts of disasters that will occur. In addition, as we know, community resilience in disaster management policies and practices is currently receiving greater attention. With the quantitative method and multiple linear regression test, this study tries to determine the effect of future time perspective and community resilience on disaster risk reduction in disaster-prone communities. The 57 subjects of this study were 20–45 year-old men and women who live in disaster-prone environments. The subjects were asked to fill out the Future Time Perspective Scale, Communities Advancing Resilience Toolkit, and General Disaster Preparedness Belief Scale. The three scales were disseminated via social media, where anyone could fill them in as long as they met the subject’s criteria of the research. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence of the future time perspective on disaster risk reduction, however, there is no effect of community resilience on disaster risk reduction.
Keywords: community resilience ,disaster, disaster management, disaster risk reduction, future time perspective
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