Profiles of Mental Health Problems Among Adolescents
Adolescence is one of the developmental stages marked by the emergence of psychological turmoil, so it is not easy for some individuals to live through it. This study aimed to determine the general profile of typical mental health problems experienced by adolescents in East Java. This study used a descriptive survey conducted on adolescents aged 15–18 years in East Java. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. Data were obtained using sociodemographic data and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The results show that emotional problems emerged as the most prevalent concern among older students, whereas younger students faced the highest prevalence of peer-related problems. Regarding gender, emotional problems and peer problems were the predominant contributors to the highest rates among female students, while conduct problems exhibited the highest rates among male students. The implications of the study point to the importance of addressing gender-based emotional and behavioral problems in adolescents within school settings. This emphasis is key to cultivating a state of mental health and well-being.
Keywords: emotional problems, behavioral problems, gender, school-based mental health
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